Gutter Rubber

Gutter Rubber is the sealant to use for leakproofing gutters, spouts, and aluminum siding.
Available in Two Colors:
White & Aluminum
Gutter Rubber is packed in 5 oz. tubes, 24 tubes per carton for convenient use a preservation of contents. Guaranteed a quality sealant by Calbar, manufacturers of technical products since 1920.
Only this nitrile rubber – based product offers these features:
- Adheres in temperatures from 0° to 155 ° F
- “Skins” instantly, cures quickly
- Reseals itself even when aged because it expands and contracts with the surfaces
- Seals mitres, outlet tubes, slip joints, and end caps
- Bonds to aluminum, steel, glass, wood, ceramics, masonry, and fiberglass